A downloadable game for Windows

Prepare to embark on 'SameShadow: Fernando's Journey,' an epic third-person action RPG set within a besieged Ukrainian city. As Fernando, your mission is to prevent a repeat of history, ensuring that Russian dominance doesn't extend further into European territory.

Master the Art of Combat:

Choose your combat style: Will you wield a razor-sharp sword with unmatched precision, unleash barrages of bullets, or confront enemies with bare fists? As you Awaken new powers within the skill tree, your choices will define your approach to combat and shape Fernando's journey.

Unleash your powers: Awaken extraordinary abilities, including Rapid Regeneration, allowing you to trade energy for rapid healing; Particle Acceleration, for blowing away and ragdolling enemies; and Time Dominion, slowing down time to dismantle foes without resistance. Harness these powers, but be cautious—extreme exertion can drain your health and energy.

Precision and devastation: Become a Sword Master, significantly improving your sword fighting style and speed. Execute Bullet Rush to unleash barrages of bullets, or use Rage to deal massive area damage based on your remaining energy.

Shape History:

'SameShadow: Fernando's Journey' combines the intensity of ARPG, RPG, Hack and Slash, and Third Person Shooter genres. Explore a world teetering on the brink of transformation, confront shadowy forces, and overcome challenges that will define Fernando's path.

Fernando's quest for answers leads to revelations that shape not only his journey but the fate of the future. Step into the darkness and become a legend in 'SameShadow: Fernando's Journey,' where the story unfolds amidst chaos and intrigue.

Are you ready to awaken your powers and ensure that history doesn't repeat itself?


Zipped SSFJ Demo for Itch

Install instructions

Install instructions

**If this becomes too much of an issue, demo is also available to download on Steam.

After you have downloaded the ZIP file from the link which would be around 5.0 GB, you'll need decompress it.  To Decompress/Un-Zip you just have to "Right click" slide down to "Open With" and click Decompress. If you have other options of your choosing like WinRar Archiver you could use that, but "Decompress" should be available by default on Windows.  When you click decompress it will ask you were you would like to download/save the decompressed/UnZiped files to. Select the best drive that has at least 8GB of open space.  Once that is done, just go inside the folder and you'll find and ICON called "SameShadowFJ". Double click that, give Windows permission and you shouldn't have any issues playing the game if your PC is compatible. 

Keep in mind SameShadow: Fernando's Journey is being developed in Unreal Engine 5 with Lumen Dynamic lighting, so it can be performance heavy. Which is why graphics are set to Medium by default. When you set it in game, it will take affect even though when you go back to change it will want to show you the recommended settings which is Medium. 

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